The Classroom

Reading - In reading we are learning all about making inferences using multiple strategies.  These strategies include using context clues, the illustrations, and prior knowledge.  In addition to making inferences we have been working on consonant digraphs (two consonants blending together to make one sound) with the r- and s- blends.  Ask your student what kind of words that make as good word detectives.  Adjectives are also on our route of study.  Practice finding the adjective and the noun it describes in a sentence.

 Math - We have just begun Unit 6- Adding Double Digit numbers.  Our class is really having fun with this unit.  We are determining when we need to regroup and when we do not.  To enrich this unit, practice basic addition facts with your students.  We certainly have amazing mathematicians.

 Writing - We are working on expostiory writing with emphasis on writing the explain.  Details, details, details are our goals for this unit.  So far we have written about school, seasons, and now we are discovering how squirrels amuse us.  Ask your student what they think of a squirrel and how it amuses them. 

 Social Studies - We have taken a journey into the past of Thanksgiving.  Ask your student what they are thankful and why.

 Science - In science we are finishing our chapter on land habitats.  Our students have worked exceptionally hard on this chapter and had the hands on journey to McGough Nature Park.  I am very proud of our students' behavior and their engagement in the field trip.  I am certainly looking forward to the next one!  After the Thanksgiving holiday we will begin water habitats.